The Adventures of Nonna and the Little Red Truck in Autumn

When the air becomes crisper, the leaves crunch noisily underneath our boot covered feet, and the air has a smoky smell in the air from bonfires we know that fall has arrived.
We think about pumpkin patches, turning our orange choices into scary or funny face masterpieces, scarecrow making with over stuffed materials. The crisp, sweet taste of the apple tastes so good as you walk among the rows of apple trees.  Fall gardens produce winter squash, pumpkins, potatoes and carrots that will be used to create some warm, wonderfully smelling stews, soups and casseroles to enjoy with family and friends. There are so many community events that are part of the season of fall you and your family can attend. Walk with confidence through the tall corn stalks where red flags fly freely among the paths, be careful not to take a wrong turn or you may end up at a dead end.  The kitchen counter is usually full of fabulous smells that include vanilla, cinnamon, ginger, allspice, apple and pumpkin to make breads, pies, muffins and more. As you search through these pages, you will find all of this and more to enjoy as a family.

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